Embracing Feminine Freedom: A Call to Action

Feminine Freedom is the ability to express and embrace one’s femininity without prejudice, constraint and expectations.

What expectations have you fulfilled without a consented thought just because “You are a girl” or “You are a woman”?

The stories and lives on women who have fought for freedom are vast.

I invite you to read about women who have inspired me in times of doubt, and during my own fight for freedom.

  • https://nationalwomenshistoryalliance.org/history-of-the-womens-rights-movement/
  • https://www.loc.gov/collections/civil-rights-history-project/articles-and-essays/women-in-the-civil-rights-movement/
  • https://www.businessinsider.com/women-who-fought-for-rights-2018-8\
  • https://www.facinghistory.org/ideas-week/womens-power-struggle-freedom-equal-rights
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_women’s_rights_activists

Less than 200 years ago, and closer to 50 years for some changes to be made.

Women face limitations, and a lack of opportunity to take leadership roles, even though we succeed at being leaders without the title being given to us.

Women do not have the ability to express:

Themselves as whole, as a women, as vulnerable, as soft, as in need, as emotional, as we are. Woman are unsafe in home environments, outside, at work, and in this world.

Feminine Freedom has made progress. Still in 2025, I have hope. I have a purpose to help move Women forward, closer to peace.

  • Style through clothing choice. Our choices are based on environmental expectations, people’s opinions and safety. We are allowed to wear a bathing suit at the beach or pool, but not too far away from the beach, that invites comments and judgements that we do not deserve, which come from people who have no right to judge. There have been many times where women are questioned on what they where, and why they chose it, if it matched the environment based on another person’s opinion, I know women who wear layers for safety, who wear all kinds of accessories based on the environment they are in such as light or dark, Will they be in public or will there be less people there?
    These are all things we should not have to think about, but we can work to make it a thought of the past, just like owning your own bank account, or keeping your child in a divorce.
  • Cleanliness expectations. Body functions, smell, menstruation, hygiene are all held to a different standard for women. Women genuinely want to be clean, I am not questioning that. 😛 But, and, also during postpartum women should not be told
  • Body Hair. The choice to keep your body hair, or to remove it should be yours not based on societal standards or someone’s expectations of you.
  • Body Shaming. Women have been considered objects, they have been forced to be the entertainment of men, for so long that society stills has a narrow concept of beauty.

“Asking women what we want, and allowing us to have those things would help.”